Wednesday, April 29, 2009

All about corporate team building

Some universities calling off Mexico travel plans (KATC 3 Lafayette)

Wed, 29 Apr 2009 16:28:21 -0700
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. -- A number of American universities are calling off student travel to Mexico because of swine flu. Campuses from Western Illinois University to the University of...

Traveler ID Adds Personal Touch To Travel -- New Online Service Simplifies Travel Booking Process, Expands Beta Launch To 25,000 More Travelers

Tue, 29 Aug 2006 00:00:01 -0700

Agee at Harvard ...

Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:00:00 -0700
... Vistas of Perfection . The critic Dwight Macdonald, a friend and fellow Exeter alumnus who had helped Agee land the job at Fortune , later wrote that “for a writer to be given the run of Time was] like a collector of sculpture being offered his pick of wax figures from Madame Tussaud’s Museum.” No wonder Agee was “always looking for a way out”: Guggenheim grants (he was turned down twice), leaves of absence, freelance arrangements. But he stayed at Time Inc., writing for Fortun

News flash on baby einstein

Barry Schwartz: Another Reason to Get to the Bottom of Waterboarding

Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:12:15 -0700
This was a risky move, but thus far, it has been wildly successful. It is ahead of its timetable for achieving environmental responsibility, and profits are up! One reason why profits are up is that Anderson's workforce has approached its task with incredible enthusiasm and dedication. Everyone is on a mission, and this new goal has inspired everyone to work harder and smarter. They are working not just for a paycheck, but for the world's future. Sheldon Filger: Is the United States too Bi

All about anger management


Wed, 29 Apr 2009 11:43:46 -0700
Yes! Yes! Yes! By an overwhelming majority, most Americans are coming out loudly to support civil rights for all . Equality is one of the pillars this country was founded on and our fellow Americans agree! A new poll from The New Times and CBS News finds that 42% of Americans nationwide now say same sex couples should be allowed to legally marry. That's up nine points from last month , when 33% supported legalizing same sex marriage. Wow. Wow. Wow. Why such a huge jump in one mo

South Africa: 'Keep an Eye on Your Pets This Season' (

Wed, 29 Apr 2009 07:31:43 -0700
With winter fast approaching, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA has appealed to all animal owners to keep a close watch on their pets, after 39 lost dogs were brought to the centre when the cold, rainy season made its first appearance.

Air France trials NFC ticketing

Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:37:29 -0700
According to , Air France is testing out NFC-enabled mobile boarding passes. It’s in pilot (no pun intended) right now, and the trial will run till October - with those who frequently fly between Nice and Paris being the Guinea Pigs Early Adopters The NFC enablement means that passenger info can be read from the device, and also the boarding pass uploaded - frequent flyer points updates can also be made. There are a number of partners in the scheme making it all happen, a