Sunday, March 22, 2009

Everything new on cosmetics products

How The Credit Crunch Could Be Good News For Savers

Sat, 21 Mar 2009 07:28:32 -0700
As anyone who has a passing interest in financial matters will be well aware of by now, the world economy is entering uncertain times. The so-called 'credit crunch', where banks are finding it harder and harder to finance their operations by taking out cheap credit with each other, is causing no small amount of alarm amongst analysts the world ov

The Writing Life: Maureen Freely

Sun, 22 Mar 2009 02:30:30 -0700
In which the translator of Orhan Pamuk's works finds herself interpreting more than a language: It began seven years ago in 2002, during an idle conversation over lunch. My longtime friend and schoolmate Orhan Pamuk had just completed what he described as his first and last political novel.