Monday, April 06, 2009

Everything new on antique toys

Diagnosing and Treating Sleep Apnea with a Sleep Study

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:26:57 -0700
by Jeff RobertDoctors perform sleep studies or polysomnography (PSG) to diagnose sleep related illness or symptoms. Traditionally, patients completed a diagnostic study for an entire night to diagnose obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Once the doctor confirms OSA, he provides a therapeutic study. During this second study, the doctor adjusts (or titrates) continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to levels that eliminate or reduce significantly the number of abnormal breathing episodes.In CPAP or c

Behind the scenes at the Pet Connection

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 14:20:02 -0700
Christie’s in Vegas at the HSUS Animal Care Expo . Everyone else is on some painful needed-it-yesterday deadline or at a conference. I’m on several of those deadlines at once, plus on puppy watch. The minute cloning is cool for people, I mean to sign up. I could use a couple more me’s. Oh but … this is exciting: Pet Connection Contributing Editor Mikkel Becker Shannon will spend six weeks in glorious San Francisco starting later this month. No, it’s not some fabulouso vacation: She has Poll: ‘Should Michelle Obama Run For President in 2020?’

Mon, 06 Apr 2009 15:00:09 -0700
It appears that CNN’s “Michelle mania” has reached a new level. After referring to the Obamas as the “royal family of the United States” on April 1, the network conducted a web “quick vote” on Monday on whether the first lady should run for her husband’s position in 2020. The results, however, did not bode ...]

The current scoop about anger management

Milwaukee Man Kept 13 Large Reptiles As Pets In His Home (FOX 6 Milwaukee)

Sun, 05 Apr 2009 15:32:19 -0700
Milwaukee Animal Control Rescued The Large Reptiles Friday Milwaukee Animal Control officers have seen a lot of strange things, but what they rescued Friday surprised them. Thirteen large reptiles were taken from a southside home, where they were a man's pets. FOX 6's Tami Hughes tells you why they were illegal.