Monday, December 29, 2008

What you need to know about backyard fire pit

ASPCA - The American Society For The Prevention of Cruelty T

Sun, 28 Dec 2008 15:49:08 -0800
Pet-Pedia Explains what the ASPCA is and ask for members to consider helping in its cause...

Vet: Do not throw sticks for dogs

Mon, 29 Dec 2008 15:05:29 -0800
Research suggests that playing 'fetch' with sticks can damage your dogs health.

Grief Hurts Physically Too

Mon, 29 Dec 2008 14:49:26 -0800
by Christian Goodman My busy travel schedule has created a great avenue for making new acquaintances. However, is also responsible for making it difficult to keep up with many long time friends. Recently, a friend I had all but lost touch with caught up with me. As happy as I was to get to catch up, I was very saddened to learn of her husband’s passing. I was shocked of course- to imagine what she must have gone through. Interestly, she mentioned that it was the physical issues that she exper

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